The following URLs can be used to test different features of useFetch
Normal Request:
Abort Request:
Response Error:
isFinished: false
isFetching: false
canAbort: false
statusCode: null
error: null
data: null


Reactive Fetch API provides the ability to abort requests, intercept requests before they are fired, automatically refetch requests when the url changes, and create your own useFetchwith predefined options.


Basic Usage

The useFetchfunction can be used by simply providing a url. The url can be either a string or a ref. The data object will contain the result of the request, the error object will contain any errors, and the isFetching object will indicate if the request is loading.

import { useFetch } from '@vueuse/core'

const { isFetching, error, data } = useFetch(url)

Refetching on URL change

Using a ref for the url parameter will allow the useFetchfunction to automatically trigger another request when the url is changed.

const url = ref('') 

const { data } = useFetch(url, { refetch: true })

url.value = '' // Will trigger another request

Prevent request from firing immediately

Setting the immediate option to false will prevent the request from firing until the execute function is called.

const { execute } = useFetch(url, { immediate: false })


Aborting a request

A request can be aborted by using the abort function from the useFetchfunction. The canAbort property indicates if the request can be aborted

const { abort, canAbort } = useFetch(url)

setTimeout(() => {
  if (canAbort.value)
}, 100)

Intercepting a request

The beforeFetch option can intercept a request before it is sent and modify the request options and url.

const { data } = useFetch(url, {
  async beforeFetch({ url, options, cancel }) {
    const myToken = await getMyToken()

    if (!myToken)

    options.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${myToken}`

    return {

The afterFetch option can intercept the response data before it is updated.

const { data } = useFetch(url, {
  afterFetch(ctx) {
    if ( === 'HxH') = 'Hunter x Hunter' // Modifies the resposne data

    return ctx

Setting the request method and return type

The request method and return type can be set by adding the appropriate methods to the end of useFetch

// Request will be sent with GET method and data will be parsed as JSON
const { data } = useFetch(url).get().json()

// Request will be sent with POST method and data will be parsed as text
const { data } = useFetch(url).post().text()

// Or set the method using the options

// Request will be sent with GET method and data will be parsed as blob
const { data } = useFetch(url, { method: 'GET' }, { refetch: true }).blob()

Creating a custom instance

The createFetch function will return a useFetch function with whatever pre-configured options that are provided to it. This is useful for interacting with API's throughout an application that uses the same base URL or needs Authorization headers.

const useMyFetch = createFetch({ 
  baseUrl: '', 
  options: {
    async beforeFetch({ options }) {
      const myToken = await getMyToken()
      options.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${myToken}`

      return { options }
  fetchOptions: {
    mode: 'cors',

const { isFetching, error, data } = useMyFetch('users')


The onFetchResposne and onFetchError will fire on fetch request responses and errors respectively.

const { onFetchResponse, onFetchError } = useFetch(url)

onFetchResponse((response) => {

onFetchError((error) => {

Type Declarations

interface UseFetchReturnBase<T> {
   * Indicates if the fetch request has finished
  isFinished: Ref<boolean>
   * The statusCode of the HTTP fetch response
  statusCode: Ref<number | null>
   * The raw response of the fetch response
  response: Ref<Response | null>
   * Any fetch errors that may have occurred
  error: Ref<any>
   * The fetch response body, may either be JSON or text
  data: Ref<T | null>
   * Indicates if the request is currently being fetched.
  isFetching: Ref<boolean>
   * Indicates if the fetch request is able to be aborted
  canAbort: ComputedRef<boolean>
   * Indicates if the fetch request was aborted
  aborted: Ref<boolean>
   * Abort the fetch request
  abort: Fn
   * Manually call the fetch
   * (default not throwing error)
  execute: (throwOnFailed?: boolean) => Promise<any>
   * Fires after the fetch request has finished
  onFetchResponse: EventHookOn<Response>
   * Fires after a fetch request error
  onFetchError: EventHookOn
interface UseFetchReturnTypeConfigured<T> extends UseFetchReturnBase<T> {
  get(): UseFetchReturnBase<T>
  post(payload?: unknown, type?: string): UseFetchReturnBase<T>
  put(payload?: unknown, type?: string): UseFetchReturnBase<T>
  delete(payload?: unknown, type?: string): UseFetchReturnBase<T>
export interface UseFetchReturn<T> extends UseFetchReturnTypeConfigured<T> {
  json<JSON = any>(): UseFetchReturnTypeConfigured<JSON>
  text(): UseFetchReturnTypeConfigured<string>
  blob(): UseFetchReturnTypeConfigured<Blob>
  arrayBuffer(): UseFetchReturnTypeConfigured<ArrayBuffer>
  formData(): UseFetchReturnTypeConfigured<FormData>
export interface BeforeFetchContext {
   * The computed url of the current request
  url: string
   * The request options of the current request
  options: RequestInit
   * Cancels the current request
  cancel: Fn
export interface AfterFetchContext<T = any> {
  response: Response
  data: T | null
export interface UseFetchOptions {
   * Fetch function
  fetch?: typeof window.fetch
   * Will automatically run fetch when [`useFetch`](/core/useFetch/)is used
   * @default true
  immediate?: boolean
   * Will automatically refetch when the URL is changed if the url is a ref
   * @default false
  refetch?: MaybeRef<boolean>
   * Will run immediately before the fetch request is dispatched
  beforeFetch?: (
    ctx: BeforeFetchContext
  ) =>
    | Promise<Partial<BeforeFetchContext> | void>
    | Partial<BeforeFetchContext>
    | void
   * Will run immediately after the fetch request is returned.
   * Runs after any 2xx response
  afterFetch?: (
    ctx: AfterFetchContext
  ) => Promise<Partial<AfterFetchContext>> | Partial<AfterFetchContext>
export interface CreateFetchOptions {
   * The base URL that will be prefixed to all urls
  baseUrl?: MaybeRef<string>
   * Default Options for the useFetch function
  options?: UseFetchOptions
   * Options for the fetch request
  fetchOptions?: RequestInit
export declare function createFetch(
  config?: CreateFetchOptions
): typeof useFetch
export declare function useFetch<T>(url: MaybeRef<string>): UseFetchReturn<T>
export declare function useFetch<T>(
  url: MaybeRef<string>,
  useFetchOptions: UseFetchOptions
): UseFetchReturn<T>
export declare function useFetch<T>(
  url: MaybeRef<string>,
  options: RequestInit,
  useFetchOptions?: UseFetchOptions
): UseFetchReturn<T>
export {}

